If you copy a formula = B4*$D9 from cell B5 to cell B8, what will the formula be in cell B8????
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if we copy the formula =B4*$D9 from cell B5 to cell B8,
Then the formula cell B8 = B7*$D12
B5 to B8 - three rows increased , column remain same
so in B4 also three rows increase and become B7 as Column remain same
$D Means column will remain constant . rows increase 3 so from $D9 to $D12
But if we copy the formula =B4*D$9 from cell B5 to cell B8,
Then the formula cell B8 = B7*D$9
in B4 also three rows increase and become B7 as Column remain same
column will remain constant as column has not changed
rows increase 3 but $ sign make it constant so no change in rows so D$9 will remain D$9
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