English, asked by jmack3, 5 months ago

If you could have lunch with one person alive or dead, who would it be?


Answered by milindkhanna33





Originally Answered: If you could have an hour lunch with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why? It would be Prince. Prince is the reason I fell in love with pop music. Prince is the reason why I spend so much time keeping 80's music alive.

Answered by bluejaybirdivy


I think this answer might be subjective to what is important to you. For example, if you're more interested in history or the shaping of life today, maybe pick a historical figure like Thomas Edison or George Washington. If you are more interested in something more modern you could talk about Billie Eilish lol. Whoever it is make sure its someone you have questions for and are actually interested in talking to.


Personally I would want to have lunch with someone who started a major religion or is/was controversial. Or maybe someone like Genghis Khan or Robespierre. If this question was looking for ideas I thought those people had some pretty interesting stories

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