If you find someone disposing garbage at a public place, what will you do?What will you convince him or her? Write in 10 points.
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Let me explain you that how I am doing this.
1. I knew that this is a good practice ( throwing garbage in the bins only) so firstly I don't need to CONVINCE people. Just explain its importance with some practical examples.
2. People learns more from visualization. So at first your task is to show them with your actions.
3.If they will realise that how the garbage waste (which are littered all around them) can harm them, they won't repeat same mistake intensionally. And I am sure they will give true efforts from their side. So try to make them feel that what they are actually missing.
4. Great speeches and articles won't help them understand, our actions will. So next time when you throw your waste try to use dustbins. (Yes, people will notice uncommon practice happening around them.)
5. Don't explain your action to anyone unless and until they ask for it. Just keep going.
Few actions that you can take-
1. Don't purchase the things which you actually don't need, and just for fun and all. These habits creates more wastes then the actual waste.
2. Try to carry a rough bag with you (paper made bags, if possible) to throw your wastes while you are travelling, and empty it afterwards.
3. If you don't have one then use your pockets to keep your dry wastes. Don't even hesitate to do this. Believe me I do, and its easy to implement. Once you start using your things as your dustbins, you will realise, what you were missing all these years as a good habit in you.
4. Make it a habit in you that whatever happens you won't litter on roads, don't even split.
5. If you have enough wealth, try to donate some DUSTBINS in and around your locality. Because lack of dustbins is one of the main reason, why people litter on roads.
My friend if you really want to make BHARAT SWACCH you don't need any abhiyaan to follow. Else any abhiyaan can't help you out. Not even national wide propaganda and adverisements with popular celebrities will. Swach Bharat Abhiyaan was not started to show-off your cleaning habits in front of your neighbours and relatives, but to show that YOU and YOU are responsible, if the roads on which you are walking is dirty; if you cant breathe properly on roads and you have to wear face masks.
See its upto us, the youths of INDIA, the YOUNG INDIA to show its people, to show the World why it is important to clean yourself, your surroundings, your roads, your buses, your metros, your schools, your colleges, your workplaces with our actions. Its the time we should wake up on this alarming call from mother Nature and stop this alarm.
Everyone have might heard of the a quote "Charity begins at home, but shouldn't end there" now let me rewrite this as 'your concern and work should begin with you, but shouldn't end only with you'. spread your concern with your actions only.
Hope this answer will change your view and help you understand better that what you should do, and how to begin.
Any suggestions will be heartly welcomed. Thanks for reading.
i am girl my name is prachi we are friends