English, asked by jk6608602, 1 year ago

if you had been Dr. sadao, what could you have done with the enemy? Do you think kindness is the best form of humanity?Justify your answer by giving your own opinion (The Enemy) (120-150 words) ​


Answered by Anonymous

Kindness is indeed the best form of humanity. Had I been in place of Dr. Sadao I would have also tried to save the soldier.

  • The question has been asked from the story The enemy
  • Dr. Sadao was a Japanese surgeon and was a sympathetic human and always remained loyal to his profession even in adverse cases.
  • In today's materialistic world goodness and compassion are the only saving grace. In our lives we must focus towards nurturing such feelings both for ourselves and those around us.  
  • So if anybody gets an opportunity for a doctor / nurse to save an injured and distressed person they should go forward and help them.
Answered by upenderjoshi28

If I would have been in place of Dr. Sadao, I would have tried to do exactly what he did. Sadao’s perspective was right; as a doctor he did justice to his profession by adhering to the Hippocratic Oath. He saved a very young life; he was basically a kind man. Kindness is the quality of great souls.  

Dr. Sadao also did his duty to the nation by informing General Takima about the American soldier. The General forgot to take action. However, if he had taken action, he would have got him assassinated. Dr. Sadao could no longer wait for the General’s assassins because he did not like the idea of killing someone. Finally, he helped the soldier escape by providing him with a boat and other provisions.  

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