If You Happen To Go To A Desert, What Changes Do You Expect To Observe In The Urine You Excrete? Which Of The Above Would Hold True? 1 Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete concentrated urine 2 Excrete large amount of urine and Excrete very dilute urine 3 Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete very dilute urine 4 Excrete small amount of urine and Excrete large amount of urine
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In a desert, we excrete a small amount of concentrated urine. This will help to conserve water in the body. Thus, the loss of water from our body can be minimised.
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In a desert, we excrete a small amount of concentrated urine. This will help to conserve water in the body. Thus, the loss of water from our body can be minimised.
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