If you have a chance to meet a pulmonologist.... what questions will you ask about corona disease....
In my situation, how can I prevent getting coronavirus?
Am I at higher risk of getting coronavirus or COVID-19? Why or why not?
Is there a specific type of doctor I should be asking to see now?
What symptoms of COVID-19 should I watch for?
What should I do if I have symptoms of COVID-19?
If I get tested and I’m positive for coronavirus, what will happen?
If I get sick from COVID-19, will it affect the outlook or prognosis of my cancer?
If I get tested and I’m negative for coronavirus, what should I do if I still don’t feel well?
If I get tested and I'm negative for coronavirus, can I still get infected later on?
Will this outbreak or my coronavirus test result delay or affect my care in any way?
Is telehealth available so I get care virtually or be seen by a doctor over the internet?