If you have ever help any needy in your life share your experience write an article how did you feel helping them
I really like you profile picture it's very cute
There was a poor washerman who worked near our home. He was a polite man, who had studied till class 10. However, he could not study after that due to poverty and family responsibilities, and so became a washerman. One day I happened to see an advertisement in the newspaper, announcing a job opening for a peon. The job was perfect for him. I told him about it and he applied and got the job. He was thrilled, and I was more than thrilled. One little act of giving him the right information at the right time, changed his life. He now had a respectable government job, earned enough to educate his children and even did not have to worry about how he would support himself during his old age. The pension would be sufficient for him.
Each time I think of him, it brings a smile to my face. I have noticed that every time you help someone, it gives you great joy, not just then, but forever. It also makes me feel grateful to God. I am thankful that I am in a position to help someone, and am able to accomplish the task. It also gives me a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Overall, helping someone always brings positivity.