Physics, asked by vinisaurabh5888, 10 months ago

If you hit the ball up it again falls down but the moon staying up does not fall down what is the reason


Answered by SanskarMH370

The ball comes back towards the Earth due it's gravitational pull but moon is freely suspended in the space without any gravitational body being below it hence it remains at the same place

Answered by omegads04

Every object in this universe is attracting each other nearby objects by the gravitational force. Earth is also pulling the moon towards its center by the gravitational force. So, the moon should collapse to earth. But the moon is also circulating around the earth with constant angular speed which is balancing by centrifugal force that is tangentially outward the path of moon. Both outward force and inward pull of gravitation is balancing the motion of moon so as it is moving in a particular orbit without collapsing with earth. But when a ball is thrown or hit, after  travelling some distance, earth's gravitational pull  overcomes the external force and gradually start decreasing its kinetic energy. At certain point, when kinetic energy becomes zero, again it starts falling.  

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