India Languages, asked by rejamdfarhan09, 6 months ago

if you meet a fairy in a dream in hindi​


Answered by Mister360


  • a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having diminutive human form and magic powers.
  • 2 slang, disparaging + offensive : a male homosexual.
Answered by Itznunurbusiness

According to dream astrology, if a person sees this dream, then his or her nose is going to shine in the coming time, this dream is considered to be a very auspicious dream. If you have seen an angel in your dream, then be happy now. Because this dream is so good that you cannot even think. Dreaming in a dream, this dream tells that in your future time you will get success in your field of work, your honor will increase, you will gain money, you will gain in business, if you do your job, you will get promoted. , You will get health, you will always be happy, you will get mental peace. This means that you will receive all the sparkles in the world. Friends dream everyone, and every dream has some meaning. The dreams that come once friends have no meaning. If the same dream comes to you again and again it means.

Our subconscious mind tries to tell us through dreams what is going to happen to us in the coming shadows so that we can take full advantage of that dream or provide the means.

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