If you swallow a food bolus without chewing, Is there any mechanism in the GIT to get nutrients and energy from the this bolus? Explain
if you don't chew your food properly, your digestive system won't be able to break it down. 2 Undigested food takes more space in your stomach than digested food and creates bloating, thus slowing down the entire digestive process.
Digestive problems are extremely common, and the symptoms and causes vary from person to person. Symptoms may be the result of having food intolerance, eating too fast or not chewing your food well enough, as well as an imbalanced diet that is lacking in essential nutrients.
The first step to good digestion is to eat slowly and chew your food well, because if you don't, you won't digest your food properly, and then you may not absorb the nutrients from the food that you have eaten.
When you chew food slowly you are coating the food with a digestive enzyme called amylase which is found in the saliva in the mouth. This enzyme is important for carbohydrate digestion. The digestive enzymes in the mouth send messages to the stomach. In response to these messages the stomach prepares its enzymes. Pepsin is the main digestive enzyme in the stomach. This is required for protein digestion in particular.
Signals from the stomach should now get sent to the pancreas. The enzymes secreted by the pancreas breakdown sugars, proteins, and fats. But, once again, if the first step in digestion chewing-didn't happen and the pancreas didn't prepare its enzyme, further symptoms of digestive problems will occur.
From here the food moves on to the small intestine where the last stages of absorption of digested nutrients should happen, but they will only happen properly if all the proper signals have been sent and received earlier on.
And finally all waste products left over and not required by the body will move to the large intestine to be excreted, constipation and diarrhoea are signs that the whole digestive system needs an overhaul.
Digestive symptoms can include bloating, wind, belching, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, acid reflux, cramps, and nausea. You may also feel tired, irritable, have headaches, and skin problems.
If you eat too fast, or have any digestive symptoms mentioned above then a digestive enzyme formula is a good place to start. Take it for a couple of months to help relieve your symptoms.