If you travelled back in time by a hundred years, how different do you think the world around you will be?
Tough call.
I would seriously hesitate before going 100 years into the past. The possibility of a butterfly effect destroying the world that I know is one that I think about a lot. Since we know absolutely nothing about time travel that theory is as valid as the one that time would have a way of “healing” itself.
Going 100 years into the future sounds like an awesome trip. Just imagine what kind of technology we’ll have in 100 years. You think the VR we have now is cool? Pfft. Childs play. They’ll probably have full body VR. Like the Matrix, but better.
Hell, we can’t even imagine the awesome toys and stuff they’ll have 100 years from now. Medicine will probably be incredibly advanced. Transportation will probably be “driverless” like in I, Robot. We might even have a moon base (ok probably not).
The downside to a trip to the future is coming back home and no longer having any of the things you saw in the future. Very disappointing. It’s like meeting the love of your life and having her die the next day. You’ll never forget it. You’ll always be haunted by it.
Mark this as brainliest.