If you want to measure the length of window of your class,then in which unit do you measure it
If we want to measure the length of window of our class,then the unit we use to measure it is Metres (m).
Metres are used to measure everything between the length of a ruler and the distance between things in a room.
Most household objects such as tables, rooms, window frames, television screens, etc.are measured in meters.
The most commonly used unit to measure the daily used objects is metre and it is denoted by the alphabet ' m ' .
If you wish to measure the length of the window present in your class, then for best convenience you may use the same unit i.e. metre ( m ) . It is not like that we cannot measure the length of the window in some other unit like kilometre, hectometre, millimetre, etc. but actually we measure it in some appropriate unit so that we do not need to remember such a long number ( as in the case of igger units ) or such a small number ( as in the case of smaller units ).
Learn the following definition too:
1 metre is defined as the distance between two points marked on the platinium-iridium alloy kept at Paris.