if you were a teacher and could teach your students anything? what would you teach them?
The way how they sove their problems facing in life ... And the lesson of respect towards people ... and the most important- Lesson of Seft confidence
I will teach good things teach about health about future about space about world and teach to be a good person like do regular homework do not do bad habits do always hardwork then you get good things and do always good things that will make you great person do not be afraid of any situation do always be able to talk always have to be dicipline in any places in school in anywhere be a good friend and do great work show to your family do good to all and always help poor people's always be a good brother and sister and do your animals good then thy will do your good do not make your family cry make your family and all friends happy good person always create a good world and good things .........
I am student I don't know it is write or wrong check it