if you were in the same situation with alfredo, would you do the same thing? Why?
At the start of the story, Alfredo was deep in thought about "Esperanza, Julia, the sorry mess he had made of life...". Why do you think he called his life a "mess"? Do you think that his life is indeed a mess at that part of the story?
Not really. He was getting married which may mean that his life is actually falling into place.
2. Carmen stated: "How can a woman be in a hurry when the man does not hurry her?" Do you think a woman would hurry if a man would also hurry her? Is this true/is it applicable now?
No. Personally, I feel pressured to start the family. I do not want to take unnecessary risks such as difficult pregnancies but my boyfriend is all about taking it slow! haha
3. What is your first impression of Alfredo? What about Julia?
I didn't like Alfredo at the start knowing he is about to get married but still flirting with other girls! Alfredo is too presko! Julia seems sweet and fun!
4. Do you think Alfredo was cheating on Esperanza with all the time he was spending with Julia at this part of the story? If you were Esperanza and Alfredo told you what he said, will you trust what him or feel that there's something up?
I do believe in "gut feeling" and I deep inside I feel that something's going on but would probably cover it up! haha For me cheating is acting on impuses. The fact that Alfredo already feels something for Julia but not avoiding her and lying about it to Esparanza means he's already cheating.