Environmental Sciences, asked by Echo, 1 year ago

If you were the Prime Minister of India, what would you do to help improve the environment here?

Think and answer, you're the Prime Minister


nisa5: hi all
nisa5: hi


Answered by sofy2bestfriend
if I was the prime minister then I will put cameras and and I will ban plastic bags and I will ban of throwing garbage because it's do our India dirty and I will ban wasting of water and washing clothes in water and there will be fine of 500 rupees on wasting of water /washing clothes in water /and if someone will use plastic bags then there will be fine of 200 rupees/and if someone will throw garbage in water or roads etc.
thank you

nisa5: hi
Answered by vishagh
Thanks for the great question (^^)!

Before starting with the topic let's start with acknowledging you about Environment!!

# What do you understand by the term Environment?

★ In simple words it is the sum total of all the biotic factors like plants, animals n microbes and abiotic factors like soil, temperature etc. Where all these interact with each other.

# When does World Environment day celebrated?

★ It is celebrated on 5th June every year.

→ In 2017 it's theme was " Connecting people to nature.

# Some interesting facts about environment day!

★ For a single sheet of paper that we tear lavishly many woods are cutted down.

★ When we recycle one aluminium that means we are saving energy to watch Television for 3 hours.

★ A glass bottle takes 1000's of year to decompose.

If I were the Prime minister of Indian then......

My first role to improve the environment would be to aware people about the activities at domestic level ,they perform that causes threat to our Beautiful environment! Including following points :

→ Pollution is created because of burning of plastics.
When plastics are burnt it emits dangerous and toxic chemicals that is the threat to humans as well as to our environment because it takes years to decompose completely.Provided it also releases harmful gases like carbon monoxide & it is well known that it combines 250times than the ability of oxygen to combine.

→ Carelessly wastage of water!
Taps are opened up while brushing and bathing and a lot amount of water is wasted.
Kitchen wasted water, for that we can use those used water to give water to plants etc.

→ Wastage of electricity!
It is often found that people used to leave the power of television,fan and light and in this way it got wasted.

Nowadays in the modern world everyone is referring for their own vehicles etc.

My second role as a prime minister would be finding a solution for all the people's problem!

★ Provision of public transports at nominal amount.
★ Ban on the use of plastics.

★ There were certain programmes like UNEP offered.

★ Organisation of some skits in school's so as to aware our students about the harm of neglecting care towards environment.

★ With some legal announcements on television news channels with the help of media.

# What ordinary people can do for their environment?

→Taking care of all the negative points discussed above like wastage of electricity, tearing papers lavishly...etc.
→And they can also plant more and more number of trees.
→ Follow 3R's that means recycle, reuse and reduce.
→ Instead of your use of car to visit nearby shops etc. you could have used cycles etc.
→ Reducing carbon footprint.

Ending with some quotes :
★ A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy life.

★ Better environment, better tomorrow

★ Go green!

★ Save water!

→ If we love and care for our environment, it will return us more.

→ Environment is just like god that provides protecting sheet to us.

→ It's a known fact that earth is the only planet in the entire universe that required environment for the existence of life!!

Happy belated World Environment day to one and all !!!

# Vishagh
# Brainly benefactor


zerodown1024: Great Answer!
BrainlyKid: Awesome answer man!! U nailed it
Echo: Did you just make an effort to educate us ABOUT environment AND write the answer? This answer is the winner for me!
BrainlyKid: yup great efforts taken
vishagh: Thnx guys :)
nisa5: hi
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