English, asked by Scarnhorst, 1 year ago

if you will answer this question, I will mark It as brainliest:
write a good eassy on 'an interesting book'


Answered by Raveena7
Few months back I read a book and found it so interesting that I decided to entitle it as 'My favorite book'. It's called 'The Alchemist'. The book tells about how much firm faith and belief in God is necessary not only to acquire success but also to lead a contented life. The story is actually about a man who saw a same dream twice that there's some treasure hidden somewhere in Egypt. He was somehow certain that his dream is trying to indicate that he should go, find that treasure and lead a happy life. He, at once, was set to find that treasure with the help of omens that he often got in the situation of chaos. During his journey, he had to go through endless troubles and difficulties as his patience was being tested by God. In the end, he was successful in finding the treasure.
The story of this book has many twists and turns and leaves one so much excited that one finds it difficult to read with intervals and just go on reading in order to know what happens next. This is the book I find interesting of all that I've read so far.

Scarnhorst: thank you
Raveena7: welcome :) don't forget to mark it brainliest answer
Scarnhorst: i have marked
Raveena7: thanks:)
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