Science, asked by Kommii6776, 4 months ago

If you will be asked to write your own theory that will explain the possible causes in the movement of plate tectonics,what would it be? Will you use this Wagners theory? Why?


Answered by UCA2042


Wagner postulated continental drift, a precursor theory. There was no fully elaborated study of plate tectonics at the time.

if you are writing your own theory you are not doing science. A theory in science is a construct that accounts for the data already found and predicts, successfully, where new meaningful data can be discovered.

Answering questions that reveal no effort has been made to understand the phenomenon or the way science works is like pulling the end of a shoestring bow knot the wrong way and getting a tight tangle that only pliers can undo. In other words, it is a lot of work for no gain.

if you want to understand plate tectonics or any field of science you can start with Wikipedia articles. Develop your Quora questions from the aspects that seem unclear to you because they are not yet definitive from the research. For instance, you could ask, what are the most probable hypotheses about the forces driving plate movements. Or, how can researchers visualize the depths of the earth with such subtle detail, like the remnants of a subsumed plate?

The kind of opinionating the question invites predates science. It is more like medieval natural philosophy long before the concept of data emerged. Today’s science is data driven. If you ain’t got data you got nothin.

Answered by presentmoment


Yes, Wagner is a theory that can be used to explain the possible causes of the movement of plate tectonics.


1. Wagner proposed continental drift as a forerunner theory. There was no comprehensive research on plate tectonics at the time. You are not practising science if you write your own hypothesis. In science, a theory is a construct that accounts for previously obtained data and accurately forecasts where new significant data might be discovered.

2. Answering questions that show no attempt has been made to grasp the phenomena or how science works is like tugging the incorrect end of a shoestring bow knot and obtaining a tight tangle that only pliers can untangle. In other words, it is a lot of effort for little reward.

3. The type of debate that the question encourages predates science. It is more akin to mediaval natural philosophy, which existed long before the idea of data. Science nowadays is data-driven. You don't have anything if you don't have data.

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