ignition temperature of diesel......!!!!
Self Ignition Temperature(STI) is the lowest temperature at which a diesel/Petrol will ignite itself without the presence of a spark or flame.
The Self Ignition Temperature of Diesel is 210°C and that of Petrol varies from 247°C to 280°C.
The lower STI of Diesel is the reason behind the absence of spark plug in diesel engine.
The temperature of fuel air mixture in diesel engine running at 1:20 compression ratio can go as high as 700°C. Since this temperature is much higher than the STI,diesel automatically catches fire at 210°C.
Petrol engines have lesser compression ratios compared to diesel e...(more)
Conventional diesel fuels vaporise at temperatures between 149 °C and 371 °C. Conventional diesel flash points vary between 52 and 96 °C, which makes it safer than petrol and unsuitable for spark-ignition engines.