Science, asked by ysuman0001, 8 days ago

(ii) Considering the following experiment, answer the questions given below it
Take 10 ml ethanol in a big test tube. Cut sodium metal into 2 8 pieces of
serial grain size. Put the sodium pieces into the ethanol in the test tube and
fix the gas delivery tube to the test tube. Take a burning candle near the
outlet of the gas delivery tube and observe.
(a) Which is the combustible gas coming out of the gas delivery tube?
(b) Why do the sodium pieces appear to dance on the surface of ethanol
(c) Do you see gas bubble released from the piece of magnesium ribbon, when
the above procedure, using magnesium ribbon instead of sodium?
(d) Does magnesium metal react with ethanol?
(e) Explain the reaction of ethanol and Sodium with the help of chemical


Answered by abhijeetpande


If a small piece of sodium is dropped into ethanol, it reacts steadily to give off bubbles of hydrogen gas and leaves a colorless solution of sodium ethoxide CH3CH2ONa. Hydrogen gas that is released burns with a pop sound.

1. X is ethanol - CH3CH2OH

2. Y is Sodium ethoxide  - CH3CH2ONa

3. Chemical equation for the reaction is:


4. When Ethanol is heated with excess of conc. sulphuric acid, it leads to dehydration of ethanol to ethene - CH2=CH2.


Answered by Balajidad


perfect answer study well bhai

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