English, asked by rafaharab, 1 year ago

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (present tense) given in brackets:
1. There ............ (go) the bell!
2. If you ............ not ............ (obey), you will be punished.
3. ............ you ............ (go) for a walk daily?
4. The players ............ (warm) themselves up at the moment.
5. The train ............ just ............ (arrive).​


Answered by pthb


1. goes


3. are,going

4. warms


please mark brainliest.

Answered by Anonymous

1. There goes (go) the bell!

2. If you do not obey (obey), you will be punished.

3. Do you go (go) for a walk daily?

4. The players are warming(warm) themselves up at the moment.

5. The train has just arrived (arrive).


The verb is a word or words used to tell something about some person(s) or thing(s). The most important words in a sentence is a verb.

It was a word which says what a person or a thing is, has or does, or what happens or is done to a person or a thing.

There are two kinds of verbs:

  • Transitive verb:

Eg: Hira heard a noise,

Karim beats the thief,

Pushpa plucks a flower.

The verbs here- heard, beats, and plucks, each has an object. the means the action denoted by the verb heard passes over from the subject hira to the object noise. Therefore, the verbs in these examples are called Transitive verbs.

  • Intransitive Verbs:

Eg: Hira runs,

Karim laughs,

Pushpa dances,

the verb runs,laughs, dances donot have objects. Therefore, the actions denoted by the verbs runs, laughs, dances stop with their respective subjects & donot pass over to any object. The verbs in examoles are called Intransitive Verbs as they donot transit or pass over the action from the subject to the object.


Simple present tense is also called Present Indefinite tense.

It is used:

  • To express general truths.

Eg: The earth moves round the sun.

Honesty is sweet.

  • To describe a habit or custom.

Eg: I go to school everyday.

The office opens at 10 'o' clock.

  • To express what is actually taking place at the present moment.

Eg: I write

The child runs.

  • To describe past events in order to make the description seem more vivid or real.

Eg: Hemu's army now advances & the battle commences.

This is a Historical Present.

  • To summarise a story or describe an action in a dramatic manner.

Eg: Irfan runs up to the wicket.

This form of tense is often used by radio commentators.

  • To quote authors whether living or dead.

Eg: Shakespeare says," Life is but a walking shadow."

  • To express a future event that is part of a fixed time table or fixed programme.

Eg: The match starts at 5 'o' clock.

The train leaves at 6:30.


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