Biology, asked by shettyaneesha2005, 4 months ago

II. Give the technical terms of the following:
1. The period between two successive mitotic divisions
2. The stage at which chromosomes reach the opposite poles
3. Type of cell division which brings vegetative growth
4. Structure where photophosphorylation takes place
5. Breaking down water molecule into its components using light
6. Artery which transports oxygenated blood to the limbs
7. The phase of the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles get filled with blood
from atrium
8. Pigments produced by breakdown of haemoglobin in liver
9. The lymphatic organ in which lymphocytes are produced
10. Process by which kidneys regulate the water content of the body​


Answered by keerthika1998lekha


1. Interphase

2. Anaphase

3. Mitosis

4. Chloroplasts of leaf

5. Photolysis of water

6. Systemic arteries

7. Atrial systole and Ventricular diastole

8. Bilirubin

9. Bone marrow

10. Water balance or osmoregulation


1. Interphase is the period between two mitotic division wherein the cell undergoes growth and Dna replication to prepare itself for mitosis. Interphase can be divided into three:

a. G1 phase- Period taken by a newly formed daughter cell to grow and develop machinery for dna replication

b. S phase - Synthesis phase is one in which Dna replication/synthesis occurs.

c. G2 phase - Period after dna synthesis wherein the cell grows and establishes machinery to participate in the mitosis (actual division of cell)

2.Anaphase is when the replicated chromosomal sets move towards the poles. During the previous stage (metaphase) the chromosomes are at the mid plane of the cell. They are pulled to the poles (ends) via the help of kinetochore microtubules (spindle fibres).

3. Mitosis occur in vegetative cells leading to formation of two daughter cells. During this division diploid cells will produce diploid daughters (2n). In contrary Meiosis occurs in germ cells where in diploid cells (2n) produce 4 haploid gametes (n) .

4.Photophosphorylation occurs in Thylakoid memebrane of chloroplast of green plants. Here ADP is converted into ATP using sunlight.

5.Photolysis of water in the presence of sunlight is the breakdown of the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. During the first photosynthesis step, ps-II (p680) absorbs the light energy. The chlorophyll electrons are energized to the excited state and absorbed by the electron acceptor. When the electron fall to the ground state, due to the presence of photons the water molecules splits.

6. Subclavian, axillary, brachial, radial, and ulnar arteries - Upper limb

Femoral artery and other sub divisions - lower limb

7. During atrial systole, the atrium contracts pumping the blood into ventricles via cuspid valves. During ventricular diastole, the ventricles are relaxed with some blood in them.

8. In liver, the RBCs are broken down after their 120 days lifespan. Thus breaking of Haemoglobin occurs resulting in iron and porphyrin. The porphyrin is converted into bilirubin with biliverdin as intermediate.

9. All lymphocytes are produced from Haematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow. These pleuripotent cells produce b cells, t cells, blood cells, macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils, esinophils, basophils, natural killer cells etc.

10.Kidney regulates water balance or water homeostasis or osmoregulation via a hormonal mechanism (Vasopressin, Renin-Angiotension, aldosterone)

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