ii) How does a tree planter do civic good?
How do trees contribute in a great way to the civic good?
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Trees are magnificent, beautiful, and beneficial. They provide shade, occasionally fruit, and a pleasant atmosphere wherever they are. They act as a windbreak, making is nicer to walk among them, especially if there are many, like a street and sidewalks lined with trees on both sides. They create shade, and in the summer a cool and inviting place to quietly sit and read a book, perhaps. In a city, where there are incessant loud sounds, traffic and it’s horns, people talking and shouting, etc., they have the effect of quieting, absorbing, and thereby deadening the din. Trees cleanse the atmosphere, and provide habitat and food for birds, squirrels, and bats, essential inhabitants of an urban environment. I would say contrubution to the ‘civic good’ would be things that contribute to improving city life. Trees certainly do that.
How does the poet justify that trees contribute in a great way to the civic good?
How do trees contribute to the 'civic good' and the nation? How does the forest gain its heritage?
What is the role of civic in good government?
Why do car people hate civics and civic owners?
How can I build a civic organization?
One thing trees (and all plants for that matter) do NOT do (in the long run) is sequester carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Yes, they do this in the short run. However, they eventually die and rot. While rotting, they absorb all of the oxygen they previously released and release all of the carbon dioxide they previously absorbed. The net gain is zero.
Trees do provide building materials.
Heat (solar energy in its purest form) when burned.
Cooling — due to evaporative cooling
Food (fruit and nuts)
A civic good generally means the good of the society. A tree planter plants a tree which gives cool shade , rain and is beneficial to the environment . Hence the tree planter is responsible for nurturing the environment. ... Hence the tree planter does civic good.