English, asked by sketchwithme05, 1 month ago

II Read the passage carefully.

(1) The Internet has become the lifeline of the current generation. India has left the US behind and acquired the numero uno status in the number of active Facebook users. From buying even the simple things online to banking transactions, the dependence on the Internet is increasing every minute. However, one thing that's not increasing at an equal pace is our awareness about the threats prowling on the Internet.

(2) Indian Internet users are still far behind when it comes to ensuring proper security measures The use of pirated software, outdated antivirus and spyware products, and rampant use of external storage devices without proper virus scans makes the users vulnerable to cyberattacks. These attacks may lead to data thefts, system encryption, monetary frauds, identity thefts and many other such crimes.

(3) The awareness level about the common threats is still very low in the general users. Most of the users just consider virus infections as the main threat to their security. This misconception can be very dangerous. There are a plethora of other infections that are prowling in the cyberspace They continuously look for weak security systems and attack the unsuspecting witnesses. Apart from the viruses, there are other infections like spyware, ransomware, rootkits, bugs, warms trojan horses, phishing programmes, and other such malware. All these infections are equally dangerous and have the capacity to not only cripple your system, but steal and transmit your confidential information to the cybercriminals in real time.

(4) Ransomware is one such infection that has come into the limelight in the recent times due to a well-orchestrated attack globally and on the medical institutions of the United Kingdom specifically. Ransomware, as the name suggests, can encrypt specific files or the complete system and takes the system as a hostage and demands the victims to pay a specific amount as ransom in Bitcoins. If the victim refuses to pay the amount, this program can corrupt thewhole system or data by destroying the files. The users have to kneel in front of the demands of the cybercriminals and pay the ransom. This infection can come through various means like infected MS Office files, by visiting malicious websites or via other programs downloaded from the Internet.

(5) If the users are not using an updated version of good antivirus program, then their chances of getting infected from a ransomware increase significantly. It is important that along with Internet literacy, the awareness about the security measures also increases at the same pace.

1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions.
(a) What puts the Indian Internet users at a higher risk?

(b) How does ransomware work?

(c) How can the systems get infected?

(d) What should be done to avoid ransomware infections?

2. On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions as directed.

(a) The word means 'a huge amount of something'. (para 3)

(i) plethora

(ii) cripple

(iii) virus

(iv) capacity

(b) The word is an antonym of 'harmless'. (para 4)

(i) encrypt

(ii) corrupt

(iii) malicious

(iv) ransom

(c) Find the antonym of 'passive' from the passage (paral)

(d) _____ word in the passage means the same as 'an attempt by hackers to damage or destroy a computer network or system'. (para 2)​


Answered by haniahfatima1906



a)Indian Internet users are still far behind when it comes to ensuring proper security measures The use of pirated software, outdated antivirus and spyware products, and rampant use of external storage devices without proper virus scans makes the users vulnerable to cyberattacks.

b)ransoware can encrypt specific files or the complete system and takes the system as a hostage and demands the victims to pay a specific amount as ransom in Bitcoins. If the victim refuses to pay the amount, this program can corrupt thewhole system or data by destroying the files. The users have to kneel in front of the demands of the cybercriminals and pay the ransom.

c)If the users are not using an updated version of good antivirus program, then their chances of getting infected from a ransomware increase significantly.

d)It is important that along with Internet literacy, the awareness about the security measures also increases at the same pace.




d)pirated software


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