English, asked by hno72527, 3 months ago

II. Read the passage given below.
1. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster was documented in an emotional and compelling
way by citizen journalists equipped with mobile phones and cameras. A tsunami eyewitness
participated in the relief efforts by providing SMSs to a blogger in Mumbai, who posted them
on the Internet
Bloggers also used the web to coordinate relief and round-up charities. The World changing
blog reports that within 12 hours after the tsunami disaster, a communications consultant in
India worked with Indian bloggers to create The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami blog
This was a blog for resources, aid donations and volunteer efforts. The blog had over 21,000
visitors and 30 contributors in just 24 hours.
2. In recent times, online lobbying has played a vital role in changing legislation. For instance, in
2002, in the UK, a campaign objecting to the government's so-called e-snooping bill was begu
online. Thousands of the British sent faxes to their MPs registering their disapproval Within 48
hours the government abandoned their plans for the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
3. The spread of the computer and net culture has led to the growth of online activism and
citizen intervention The paper 'Appropriating the Internet for Social Change' by the Social
Science Research Council clearly shows, through examples of online publishing, online
collaboration and online mobilisation that civil society is moving beyond borders with the help
of networked technologies Organizational, cultural and geographical borders have been
crossed with data, ideas and emotions flowing fluidly through cyberspace. Electronic networks
have become the platform through which civil society operates.
4. There are many factors that make the Internet attractive for campaigning. These include its
speed, global and local reach to numerous users, low publishing costs and round-the air clock
access. The information available online allows the public to be more informed and articulate in
bhi framtivo in bilieinammus affairs​


Answered by hariniiyyappan2006


where are the questions?I can see only passage.

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