English, asked by beenitac96, 2 months ago

(ii) Slowly produced bad habits. (iv) Did not like bad habits. (iv) Gandhi never made mistakes. (6) What does the writer mean by saying 'chipped away at their bad habits'? (i) Steadily gave up bad habits. (iii) Gradually criticized bad habits. (c) Which of the following statements is true in the context of the third paragraph? (i) Gandhi became great overnight. (ii) Gandhi showed signs of greatness in childhood itself. (iii) Every day Gandhi made efforts to change himself in some small way. (d) What is done by great people to transform their lives? (i) They approach life on a day-by-day basis. (ii) They build character in small ways. (iii) They believe in performing everyday. (1 x 6 B. Answer the following questions briefly: (a) How do small actions and choices impact our lives? (6) Describe organic process of growth through an example from the text. (d) How did Gandhi accomplish the most difficult tasks effortlessly? (c) What according to the author is the 'universal law of nature'? (1 x (e) Which things about Gandhi's life were not seen by most people? (f) How can we achieve our ideal goals? C. Find words in the passage similar in meaning as: (a) intentionally / purposely (para 3) (6) of deep significance; far-reaching (para 5) (iv) All of these.​


Answered by surdershan91



Answered by lata40386


what's this mate?

Sorry, I can't understand your question!!

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