English, asked by lalmanibhogta607, 3 months ago

II. Supply Predicates to the following:
1. Little Bo-Peep


Answered by kanishkabaliyan12345


II. Supply Predicates to the following:

1. Little Bo-Peep



The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described.

It tells us who or what the sentence is about. The subject of a sentence may be a noun or

a pronoun.

Examples –

1. The black cat has soft paws.

2. The tiger has sharp claws.

3. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

4. It is the second brightest object in the night sky.

In the above examples The black cat, The tiger, Venus, It are the subjects being talked



Q Underline the subjects in the following sentences

1. Whales are creatures of the open sea.

2. The butterflies taste with their feet.

3. Robert is a policeman.

4. The boy puts a lot of garlic in his food.

5. My dog bit postman.

6. Ruby loves pancakes.

7. Mary has lost her money.

8. She accidently tore a page in her notebook.

Q Add suitable subjects to the following sentences

1. _______ keep us warm in winter.

2. _______ teaches us dance.

3. _______ are participating in the quiz.

4. _______ are very talented.


The subject tells us who or what the sentence is about. The predicate is the part of

sentence which has the verb and gives more information about the subject .The verb comes

first in a predicate.


1. The police protect us from crime. (Protect – verb)

2. The joker amazed everyone with his tricks. (Amazed – verb)

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