(ii) When the researcher present himself to the source person and get the
information, this method is -
(a) Direct individual research
(b) Indirect oral research
(c) Schedules filling by Enumerators.
(d) Receiving information from local correspondents.
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(a) direct individual research , I think
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Schedules filling by Enumerators.
- Due to their close closeness in nature, people frequently use questionnaire and schedule interchangeably; nonetheless, there are significant differences between the two. While informants complete out questionnaires, enumerators fill out schedules on the respondent's behalf.
- Without data collecting, the research process is incomplete, which begins after the identification of the research problem and the development of a study strategy. It's important for the researcher to remember that there are two categories of data: primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected using a variety of approaches, including observation, interview, questionnaires, schedules, and so on.
- The enumerators are given a defined set of questions, statements, and spaces for answers, which they use to ask inquiries of the respondents and record their responses. The schedule is a proforma that contains a list of questions to be filled out by research assistants or enumerators who have been specifically assigned to collect data.
- Enumerators present the schedule to the informants and ask them the questions from the set in the order specified, recording their responses in the space supplied. In certain cases, the respondents are given the schedule and the enumerators assist them in answering the questions. This method is a little pricey because the enumerators' selection, appointment, and training costs a lot of money.
- It is utilised when government agencies or large organisations conduct major investigations. The population census is the most prominent example of data collecting on a schedule.
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