II. Write the appreciation of the poem 'The Plate Of gold.
Here is your answer.
Appreciation of the poem : ‘The Plate of Gold’
Name of the poem and poet: ‘The Plate of Gold’ by James Henry Leigh Hunt.
Theme: The poem gives us the message that God bestows his love, on only those who truly care for their fellow human beings. Service to others is service to God.
Form: The poem is written in narrative form
Rhyme Scheme: The poem is written in free verse and therefore no rhyme scheme is followed.
Figured of Speech:
Simile: The news ran swift as light
Repetition: So he came, not understanding and obeyed, and stretched
his hand and took the sacred vessel.
Inversion: One day there fell in great Benares’ temple-court a wondrous plate of gold, whereon these words were writ.
Onomatopoeia: When the hapless claimant dropt it clanging on the floor.
Archaic Words like
thou for you;
thy for your;
o’er for over;
thine for yours;
lovest for loves have been used