II.Write the descriptions of this attribution : 1.src 2. Alt 3.Width 4.Height 5.Align
The src attribute is required, and contains the path to the image you want to embed.
The alt attribute holds a text description of the image, which isn't mandatory but is incredibly useful for accessibility — screen readers read this description out to their users so they know what the image means. Alt text is also displayed on the page if the image can't be loaded for some reason: for example, network errors, content blocking, or linkrot.
There are many other attributes to achieve various purposes:
Referrer/CORS control for security and privacy: see crossorigin and referrerpolicy.
Use both width and height to set the intrinsic size of the image, allowing it to take up space before it loads, to mitigate content layout shifts.
Responsive image hints with sizes and srcset (see also the <picture> element and our Responsive images tutorial).