II. Write TRUE or FALSE:
1. Scanner class is a useful package of JDK 1.5.
2. Strings can even be input without using scanner object.
3. The word 'new' is a keyword to create any object.
4. You need not be aware about the number of tokens to be
input to a scanner object.
5. You can terminate a string even by using carriage return.
6. nextFloat() can also accept an integer token.
7. hasnextInt() results in true if the next token can be interpreted
as an integer
Ela na manhe kpd kebb kwq
1) True
➤ Java development kit (JDK) 1.5 has a library called JCL ( Java class library). It contains various package. It has special class to input from console called scanner class, which is a useful package of JDK
- Apackage is a collection of classes such that each class includes different inbuilt functions.
2) True
➤ It is not compulsory to use scanner object while inputting string, so we can input string without using scanner object.
3) True
➤ New is used for dynamic allocation of the object, that is it allots space in a dynamic memory for storage of an object.
4) True
➤ We need not to be aware about the number of tokens to be input to a scanner object.
- Tokens is defined as each individual component of Java program that carries some meaning and takes active part in program execution.
5) True
➤ Yes, we can terminate a string even by using carriage return. 'Carriage return' \r is a escape sequence which replaces same number of old characters to new characters.
6) True
➤ nextFloat() can also accept an integer ( whole numbers ) token
Functions to enter data
- float f = sc.nextFloat( );
7) True
➤ If the next token can be interpreted as an integer i.e, whole number, hasnextInt( ) results in true.