III. Answer the following in one sentence.
1. Define the epicentre of an earthquake.
2. What is an active volcano?
3. Define weathering.
4. Where are armchair-shaped depressions formed by glaciers found?
5. Define a tarn.
the centre of the earthquake is the point from where earthquake is generated active volcanoes are those volcano that can burst anytime
weathering means the climate change the depressions form the regulation found in
ice land
Ans : 1. The epicenter is the point on the earth's surface vertically above the hypocenter (or focus), point in the crust where a seismic rupture begins.
Ans : 2. Active volcano is difficult to pin down, since single volcanoes can have networks of volcanic vents across their flanks. And Iceland, there can be eruptions along volcanic fields hundreds of kilometers long. At Mexico’s Michoacan-Guanajuanto field, there are 1,400 cinder cones, maars and shield volcanoes coming from a single magma chamber.
Ans : 3. 1. wear away or change the appearance or texture of (something) by long exposure to the atmosphere.
2. (of a ship) come safely through (a storm).
Ans : 4. An armchair like depression caused by glacial erosion is called cirque or corrie.
Ans : 5. a small mountain lake.