English, asked by balasupramanisp80, 3 months ago

III. FIND THE MEANING AND FRAME THE SENTENCE FOR THE WORD GIVEN BELOW. 1. Entitlement 2. Allegedly 3. Exaggerate 4. Downpour 5. Possession 6. Sovereignty 7. Underpin 8. Influence 9. Revamp 10. Liberty​


Answered by AyeshaPriyadarshini


entitlement means - a fact of having a right to somethin

Allegedly- used in convey that something is claimed to be a case or have taken place, although their is no proof.

Exaggerate- regarded or represent as large, better or worse than in reality.

Downpour- a heavy fall of rain

Possession- a state of having, owing, or controlling something.

Sovereignty- authority

Underpin- justify, support

Influence- a capacity to have an effect on the character

Revamp- give new and improved form, structure, apperance

Liberty- the power or spoce to act as an one please

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