If there is 12:00 Noon in the Greenwich, find the time of the following
Cairo (Egypt) Longitude 30° East
New York (USA) Longitude 75º West.
Here is your answer dear
That’s easy; if it’s 12:00 UCT (GMT is now called Coordinated Universal Time, and has been for years), for each of those places, the current time is:
95º W — 12:00 UCT
100º E — 12:00 UCT
20º W — 12:00 UCT
12º E — 12:00 UCT
Easy, right?
If you want to display these times in local time, you will need a precise date and latitude, and you will convert them.
But only someone very foolish stores times in other than UTC.
If you are writing scheduling software, and want people around the world to know when to call into a conference call, you either give them a UTC time, or, on display in their local time zone, you convert it using a timezone database.
Because the time is not the same in every country for a given longitude.
Hope it Helps you
Mark me brainliest