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You have been selling merchandise on eBay for quite a while now but haven't managed to pull in the kind of sales you were expecting? Here are
some smart yet simple methods to enhance your sales.
Choose a decent name and logo for your business and create a Website where you give all the information a buyer could need. Next, create your
own eBay store as having your own eBay store has many advantages, like you can have a longer listing duration as compared to a buy-it-now or
auction-style listing and you can list every single item that forms part of your inventory.
When you are selling on eBay, you are competing not only with the other sellers on eBay, but also with those selling on other Websites and the
conventional on-site sellers. Pricing is thus very crucial. Try and determine a price that will make buyers feel happy and won't leave you feeling
like you were not doing business, but charity. Offer as many payment and delivery options as you can, such as PayPal, which is a trusted and very
popular mode of payment and is sure to get you a bigger number of customers than you have been getting so far.
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