English, asked by ranjithsr610, 4 months ago

€ II Sem BCom anno...
Association of English Teachers, Mangalore University
Choice Based Credit System
Second Semester B.Com.
Question Bank on Annotations
Prepared by
Deepca Suvarna
Associate Professor of Eng sh
GFGWCBa matta
Silent Steps
Rab ndranath Tagore
1. Have you not heard his silent steps?
He comes, comes, ever comes.
Every moment and every age, every day and every night,
He comes, comes, ever comes.
a. Who is referred to as 'He in the context?
b What does the question in line one emphas se? How does the speaker reinforcet (2
D. When does He come?
2. Many a song have I sung in many a mood of mind,
but all their notes have always proclaimed,
"He comes, comes, ever comes.
a. Who is being referred to by the speaker?
b What does the speaker mean in line one?
c What do the speakers songs proclaim?
3. In the fragrant days of sunny April through the forest path
he comes, comes, ever comes.
in the rainy gloom of July nights on the thundering chariot of clouds
He comes, comes, ever comes.
a Which path does 'He' take to help his people?
Which season is considered fragrant? Why?
Explain the figure of speech employed in line three


Answered by harshs34


wht I dont know what is this it is so big oh! my god

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