Biology, asked by sureshgutla1075, 9 months ago

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Assessment - 5
Charaderistics of oviparou Charecteristics of viviparous


Answered by pranav22426705


An oviparous animal is an animal that produces eggs that later hatch to produce the young ones after being propelled out of the body of the female.

Oviparity is the property of these animals where the fertilization may be external or internal, but the young ones are always hatched out of the body.

Oviparous animals include most fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and even birds. Some invertebrates like insects are also oviparous.

Ovoviviparous is another group where the eggs hatch inside the body of the animals, and the young ones come out. This is common in some snakes, sharks, and other animals.

Oviparity has been an evolutionary strategy in many animals where some produce many small and fragile eggs while others produce few but strong and large eggs.

Thus, the production of many eggs increases their chances of survival and thus works as a strategy for reproductive fitness.

A viviparous animal is an animal that develops an embryo inside the body of the female, resulting in the live birth of a young one.

The embryo develops in special organs within the body of the female where the mother provides necessary nutrients to the embryo.

Viviparous animals are present in all groups of vertebrates except birds. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals all have members that are viviparous even though none of the groups is exclusively viviparous.

It has been assumed that viviparity developed from oviparity where the egg stayed inside the female for longer, causing it to hatch into a young one.

Nutrition in different viviparous animals differs as some primitive animals have a yolk sac that provides nutrients to the embryo. In contrast, in others, the embryo develops into larvae inside the mother feeding on secretions from the reproductive parts of the mother.

In mammals, however, the mother provides nutrients to the newborn via the secretions of the mammary glands.


Mark me as brainest PLEASE

Answered by kanishkagupta1234


The main difference between oviparous and viviparous animals is that--

1. oviparous animals do not undergo any embryonic development inside the mother


2. viviparous animals develop into a young animal inside the mother.

This means oviparous animals lay eggs.


I hope it helps you

plz mark as brainliest ☺

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