Illiteracy A Bane To Society
After 65 years of independence, we are still too far away from the universal literacy. What is the reason? ‘Why have we come to such a sorry state’? Reasons can be well enumerated; Improper planning, poor implementation of policies, lack of infrastructure and lack of political will are the main causes responsible for such state of affairs.
Literacy level and educational attainment are vital indicators of development in a society. Attainment of universal primary education is one of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations to be achieved by the year 2015. Planning Commission has also targeted in the Eleventh Five Year Plan to increase literacy rate of persons of age 7 years or more to 85% and reducing gender gap in literacy to 10 percentage points by 2011-12. Literacy rate and educational development are considered to be key variables affecting demographic indicators like fertility, mortality (especially infant mortality) rate and migration. It greatly contributes in improving quality of life, particularly with regard to life expectancy, infant mortality, learning levels and nutritional levels of children. Higher level of literacy and educational development lead to greater awareness on the one hand and help people in acquiring new skills on the other.
The number of literates and illiterates aged seven and above in India as per the provisional population totals of Census 2011 are 778454120 and 272950015 respectively. There has been a marked improvement in the proportion of literates in the last decade. Literates in 2011 constitute 74% of the total population aged seven and above as compared to 65% in 2001. On the other hand, illiterates form 26% of the total population in 2011 as compared to 35% in 2001. In absolute terms, 217700941 additional persons have become literate during the decade 2001-2011. A significant milestone reached in Census 2011, is that the total number of illiterates has come down from 304146862 in 2001 to 272950015 a decline of 31196847 persons. Before analyzing further trends, it would be apt to discuss certain underlying concepts and definitions regarding Literacy in the Census of India.
As per the provisional population totals of Census 2011, out of the provisional total population of 1210193422, the number of persons aged seven years and above is 1051404135. Out of this, 778454120 are literates and 27250015 are illiterates. There has been an increase of 186504094 persons in the age group seven years and above during 2001-2011, while 217700941 additional persons have become literate during the decade.
A significant milestone reached in Census 2011, is that the total number of illiterates has come down from 304146862 in 2001 to 272950016 in 2011 showing a decline of 31196847 persons.
One of the interesting features of Census 2011 is that out of total of 217700941 literates added during the decade, females (110069001) out number make (107613940). A reverse trend was noticed during 1991-2001. The decadal increase in number of literates among males is of 31.98% points while the corresponding increase in case of females is of 49.10% points.
A notable feature is that out of the total decrease of 3119847 in the number of the females (1722197) illiterates/out number maler (14074650). The above two changes are a clear indication of the fact that the gender gap in literacy is shrinking in the country. This trend of rising female literates will have far reaching consequences on the development of society.
The Right to Education Act
The Government has finally come over all the odds and given effect to the Right to Education Act (REA) from 1st April 2010. The right to education is now a Fundamental Right for all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years. ln simple words; it means that the government will be responsible for providing education to every child up to the eighth standard, free of cost, irrespective of class and gender. It has thus paved the way for building a strong, literate and empowered youth of this country.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is the national flagship programme of the government being implemented throughout the country. The World Bank provides financial assistance for implementation of SSA as sector wide support.
Some important programmes launched in the education sector earlier, viz. the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan supported by the Mid Day Meal Scheme, were intended to ensure provision of elementary education to all children in the 6-14 age group. Under the Mid Day Meal Programme 10.46 crore children are provided hot cooked meal in 12.63 lakhs schools in the country.