Illustrate the ending of the novel "The Invisible Man " happy and just? What is your reaction when Griffingets killed and Marvel gets to keep all the stolen money? Are you glad that the invisibility formula is hidden from Kemp, who could use it?
Though Griffin was killed at the end because of his misdeeds, it is sad that such a talented died an untimely death. With him died the research he had carried on and the hope of finding a formula to make an invisible body visible again.
Marvel was the beneficiary as a result of Griffin’s death. He got not only the stolen money, but also Griffin’s note-books in which he had recorded his research formulae in cipher. He invested the money wisely in opening an inn for himself. However, the note-books were of little use to him. It would take him a lifetime to decipher Griffin’s findings. He should have returned the note-books to police as a national asset.
As far as the point of invisibility formulae hidden from Kemp is concerned, I feel Kemp should have been given Griffin’s research findings. Kemp was a man of good intentions. He could have further carried the research on making an invisible body into visible for the welfare of mankind.