English, asked by sarahgamer910, 9 months ago

Im gonna waste all of my points on this but:
Metaphors for stubborn?
Metaphors for someone slow? Metaphors for someone's hair?


Answered by 12784


What is a metaphor for someone's hair?

Bouncy hair could be springs but a more inspired metaphor might be an animal bounding happily to its master. ... If the hair reveals something about someone's character, it can be likened to snakes - it has a similar shape and simultaneously references the snake from the biblical fall of man and the gorgon Medusa.

Metaphors for stubborn?

The child was stubborn about not eating the spinach. The stubborn bolt was not going to come loose. He was only being stubborn, but it annoyed a lot of the team.

Metaphors for someone slow?

Ron was a slow snail walking across the track with everyone passing him.

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