English, asked by dhanesh80, 10 months ago

image to be the king from the story three questions describe your helplessness regarding the 3 questions and how you got answer from the hermit​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


I had to wait so long to find answers to my three questions. So many learned men tried to answer my questions; but all of them gave varied answers. I was not satisfied. I had lost all hope of finding answers to my questions. Then someone told me about the wise hermit.  

The wise hermit was not an ordinary man. He met only simple folks, not royal people like me. So, I had to dress as an ordinary man. He did not entertain me first. He just kept quiet. I believe if we have patience, nature or lie explains everything on its own. The chain of events that happened there explained everything. Though the hermit brought the events to my focus.  

Now I have found the answers to my questions and extremely satisfied with life.  

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