English, asked by santa19, 6 hours ago

Imagination test!

Can you write a short story starting with "one day"

Let's see whose imagination is the best.


Answered by pateljilani2


in one day my experience is a best day on my story bcz I do a helping thing I go in morning at 6 clock daily for helping a beggars bcz I can't see them like so i go than i come home doing my study work and than ibget fresh and doing breakfast and than i use sometime a social media app than i go with my friends for enjoying and than in afternoon I go to gym their I must be 2 hours and than I come in house and than at night I do my pending work and than I watch TV and than I sleep at 1 clock but now my life of story is change bcz of someone who make my life happy ❤

what you think my story is boring or awesome one make one option

Answered by pratapnayak57


One day in my life when we bring our first dog

I am a dog lover if you are dog lover you will know how it feels that was my first dog my dog name is duggu and now he is one year old he is labrador retriever

that was my best day ever I can not foget that day

he is very cute I will attach his picture

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