Imagine a futureristic gadget you would like to invent the help people. Write a few lines on features it will have and the things will be able to do
Answer:It is impossible to deny, that we are now well and truly in the digital age. Resistance is futile.Ambitious, if slightly extraordinary concepts in films such as Tron, Blade Runner, Back to the Future and more recently I, Robot, gave us a ‘glimpse’ of what the future may hold, but how far away are we really from witnessing the ideas of these over-stimulated directors come to fruition?Unfortunately, we are still some way off being able to pop to the shop on a Marty McFly Mattel hoverboard, but that is not for the want of trying. Many designs and prototypes have been made, but none have come close to reproducing the experience depicted in the film.The idea of human-built robots uprising and attempting to overthrow their creators is nothing new, and the Japanese are currently leading the way in designing and building eerily life-like robots, but the threat of a rebellion is about as likely as a DeLorean actually traveling Back to the Future.So what gadgets are readily available to us?To first understand this, we must consider how they have come about. Consumerism and the modern way of living have demanded that our gadgets operate in a certain way, as the following are expected of them:1. Information/Labour-saver – A gadget must either make menial tasks easier, or provide us with information.
2. Efficiency – Speaks for itself.
3. Speed – If it is going to take longer than doing it the old fashioned way, then what is the point?
4. Compactness/Mobility – No gadget can really honor that title if it does not at least have a mobile counterpart.
5. Look – It needs to look cool, futuristic, and mysterious!