English, asked by vivaintube, 10 months ago

Imagine if trees could talk. Which tree would you like to talk to? What would you ask the tree? In an interview titled, ‘Face to Face’ or ‘ Leaf to Leaf’, write down the questions you would ask the tree and also, write down the expected answers.


Answered by ps665997gmailcom
ques-how you speak
and-, I have no ears
Answered by aqibkincsem

Me:Hello Mr.Tree how ar you doing?

Tree:Hello,i am good, but not sure will stay alive for more days as there is a construction about to start in few weeks.

Me: thats very bad to hear.Are they cutting down all the trees ?

Tree: yes! almost all of us,the place hasbeen a home for us since 20 years now we are being cut to build a shoping mall.The park was filled with many medicinal plants and colorfull birds. Now there will be nothing after few days.

Me: sorry to hear this Mr.tree..lets hope that the local NGOs can be of some help and protect the park Tree:Hopefully...

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