Imagine Poem By Our Own
Just Imagine
Imagine a world
Where everyone is kind,
A world, where love is defined.
Could you imagine a place
Where everyone is good, Living a happy life, as we all should.
Everyone is happy
And everyone does care,
Oh how I wish that I was there.
Imagine that place
If only that we can,
Where we are gracious, to every woman and man.
Pain is not a weapon
We know our own girth,
Pain is our death, and also our birth.
Wish of a creation
Where kindness has unfurled,
Just imagine, if that was our world.
Please mark me as brainliest.
The Mask poem
When in public,
Wear a mask
Just a teeny, weeny
It helps keep us
Safe and sound
Health and care , all
On your mouth
and on your nose
Good to cover both
of those
Please give me branliest