: Imagine that a career counseling session is being organised by Mr P.K Puri in Hotel Ashoka,New Delhi. Draft a poster in 50 words
draft poster plz some one help
CBSE as a pace setting national Board has constantly been striving to design its evaluation
process in a manner that it is used as a powerful means of influencing the quality of teaching and learning
in the classroom situation. Also, it has to be so designed that it provides constant feedback regarding
the effectiveness of the course content, classroom processes and the growth of individual learners
besides the appropriateness of evaluation procedures.
As a move in this direction, CBSE started the practice of publishing the Marking Schemes with
twin objectives in mind-(i) making the system more transparent and at the same time, (ii) ensuring high
degree of reliability in scoring procedure.
Who are the markers of answer scripts? How do they mark the answer scripts? How can it be
ensured that marking is fair, objective and reliable? Questions of these types naturally arise in the minds
of candidates appearing in the public examination. These questions are equally pertinent to the teachers
who are not adequately exposed to the CBSE system of marking.
Answer Scripts marking is a specialised job. It is assigned to teachers-PGTs for Class XII and
TGTs for Class X who are in direct touch with the subject and have a minimum of 3 years experience
of teaching the subject at that level. Appointment of examiners is made in accordance with the well-
defined norms. Markers examine scripts with the help of datailed guidelines called the 'Marking Schemes'.
It is this tool (Marking Scheme) alongwith the extensive supervisory checks and counter-checks
through which CBSE tries to ensure objective and fair marking. The present publication is being brought
out with a view to serving the following objectives :
(i) To give an opportunity to the teachers and students to look into the Marking Schemes that
were developed by the Board and supplied to the evaluators in 2011 main examination in
some selected main subjects.
(ii) To receive feedback and suggestions from institutions/subject teachers on the utility and
further improvement of Marking Schemes.
(iii) To encourage institutions to undertake similar exercise of developing marking schemes for
classes other than those covered by the Board's examination with a view to increasing