English, asked by Shahnawazkhan813022, 1 month ago

Imagine that natalya and lvan lomov regret the heated argument that happened between them and they decide to apologize. Write frienelly dialogues between them?


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Natalya: Why didn’t you tell me that you had come with a proposal?

Lomov: I was very nervous. As I tried to pour my heart to you, then we got involved in unnecessary arguments, firstly about Oxen Meadows, and secondly about Guess and Squeezer.

Natalya: If you had not taken so long in proposing to me, these arguments would not have happened.

Lomov: I told you I got nervous. Thank God it is over now! We will marry soon and live happily.

Natalya: I am excited about our marriage. Let’s plan it at the earliest.

Lomov: Sure. Even I am excited about it.  

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