imagine that one of your class friends slipped down, had a fracture in the leg and was admitted to the hospital. Write a sympathy letter to him/her. Include why you couldn’t see him/her.
Donald Clark,
10, Jewel Towers,
Tinsel Town,
New York,
The United States of America.
Date: 12.2.2017
Daisy Brown,
215A, Lion Arcade,
UB City,
New York,
The United States of America.
Subject: sympathy for an accident
Dear Donald,
Mr. Clark had called today in the evening to tell me that you contacted a misfortune while going home on your scooter. I was wondering why you have not been approaching the school for the last three days. Accept as true me. The school is just not the same charming place without you.
I am notified that the misfortune is not very serious, but I still am anguished because your left arm has been somewhat fractured and is now in plaster. It will take at smallest a month before your plaster is taken.
Express gratitude to God, your elder male sibling is a doctor, and he is in the same clinic where you were taken directly after the misfortune by a juvenile man. It is an issue of huge relief that you escaped with a secondary fracture.
Your peace of mind is significant while you mend. I marvel if there is anything I can do at this juncture. I pray for your fast recovery.
Yours truly,
Daisy Brown.