Imagine that the Earth does not rotate but goes around the Sun around the year. What
difference will it make to the seasons and distribution of temperature?
I can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
I can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest
i can but make me the brainliest