Imagine that you are a government pandit in the 1850s. You are visiting the schools assigned to you to inspect them. Make a list of 4-5 points that you would look out for during these inspections. (Example: The guru must use the textbook provided to him to teach science.)
In case the school uses standardized tests to measure students learning outcomes, I think the results of these tests could be a good indicator of ensuring quality teaching learning environment.
In case the school uses standardized tests to measure students learning outcomes, I think the results of these tests could be a good indicator of ensuring quality teaching learning environment. Surly, the quality of teaching learning environment should have positive relationship with students achievement.
यदि स्कूल छात्रों के सीखने के परिणामों को मापने के लिए मानकीकृत परीक्षणों का उपयोग करता है, तो मुझे लगता है कि इन परीक्षणों के परिणाम गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षण सीखने के माहौल को सुनिश्चित करने का एक अच्छा संकेतक हो सकते हैं। वास्तव में, शिक्षण अधिगम वातावरण की गुणवत्ता का विद्यार्थियों की उपलब्धि के साथ सकारात्मक संबंध होना चाहिए।