English, asked by khalidjamil071, 8 months ago

Imagine that you are Lieutenant Bell, returning to the Adventurer
after meeting the pastor. Write an entry in your diary, describing
the man and the feelings the meeting with him caused you.
(60-80 words)


Answered by Anonymous


In alignment with my own perception of reality would be the fact that you had known that person before in another lifetime. You had with this person some type or degree of association or relationship. Whether it was positive or negative is usually apparent by how you react emotionally to them when you first meet them. This feeling is up front and center in the creation of ‘first impressions’.

You may have something to finish working out with this person in the current lifetime. Or it just may be that in the realm of ingenious synchronicity strategized by universal intelligence, someone you knew is crossing your path now for some quick energetic exchange beyond your conscious awareness to give you an energetic hello or brief moment of acknowledgement. They may even be giving you some piece of energetic information you need without even a word being spoken….a stranger passing in the street and meeting your eyes in earnest. Even something you hear someone say that invokes a response from you.

This happens far more often than anyone truly realizes. In fact, there is a whole layer of interactive reality on an energetic level, a level of active thought, being played out in tandem with the one we are aware of in the third dimensional, physical experience.

Every choice we make plays into that energetic level of active thought. Thought in motion that is creative of its own accord and is furthering your own essence in the world far beyond your physical ability to do so. Timing and synchronicity is full steam ahead in this respect. This potent energetic reality is another reason for developing what is called ‘present moment awareness’. In this moment now, life is interacting with you on a number of levels. The most subtle is the most powerful. All the more reason to refine our human instrument. There is also energy going on around you that if you could detect, would invoke a feeling response from you, such as the presence of those you think have passed on, but who are with you in a very dynamic Conscious presentation.

It is true that our 5 senses detect less than 1% of the energy forms and information, interactions and functions playing out all around us and very much involving us. Every breath flows out into an energetic festival of light and sound we cannot hear, and cannot see. We breath it in, yet detect almost nothing of it. We may be able to feel things if we begin to pay attention and as I said, refine our human instrument beginning with an open mind and heart as well as activating other senses we have such as the 6th sense.

Those Souls with whom you have had deep relationships in past lifetimes usually play out as family members or loved ones accrued throughout this lifetime. In fact, Souls move around the wheel of Reincarnation in tribes so to speak, in which their reincarnational projections serve one another as one role or another throughout many lifetimes. I say ‘reincarnational projection’ (my own phrase) because every incarnation is a projection from our much larger interdimensional Soul, like a ray of light from the sun.

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